Securing a CMAS 493 Location UNDER CONSTRUCTION

What you need to know about securing your placement for

CMAS 493?

What is CMAS 493:  This is a required course for the Child Maltreatment and Advocacy Studies (CMAS) minor. This course serves as the capstone experience for students enrolled in the minor. CMAS 493 is a course that requires active, weekly, engagement with a capstone site and on Canvas.

What is required in CMAS 493:  A 100-hour capstone experience, that is either working in the community or in research, with a focus on the issue of child maltreatment. A listing can be found on the website of current locations, research opportunities, or if you would like to go somewhere not listed, that needs to be addressed with Cheri Hillard.

When do I take CMAS 493:  It is best taken after all your CMAS classes (258N, 465, and 466) so that you have all the knowledge you will receive prior to performing in the field. However, you can currently schedule it concurrently with either 466 or 465 if the other courses have been completed.

When is CMAS 493 offered:  Fall and Spring semesters.

Where do I find a list of possible capstone locations:  On the webpage – there are field internships and research.  Again, if you have questions about other possible locations that aren’t listed, contact Cheri.

Some locations will be marked unavailable for specific semesters – as we have scholarships available and the recipient will choose their semester, but again it will be noted on the webpage if a site isn’t available.

When should I secure a location: You need to start to process one year prior to when you plan to take CMAS 493.

How do I secure a capstone location:

To secure a capstone location, you will need to complete the following steps:

1.    One year out: identify which semester you plan to complete your capstone experience and complete the CMAS 493 – Capstone Semester Form. (this form is due 1 year out, ie: Fall 2024 for Fall 2025; Spring 2025 for Spring 2026, etc.). We need to be able to prepare for teaching loads, so this is very important.

2.    Early the semester prior to completing 493: identify the capstone location that best suits your schedule and interest.

  • a.    Where do I find a list of possible capstone locations:  On the webpage – there are field internships and research.  If you have questions about other possible locations that aren’t listed, contact Cheri.

3.    Once you have identified the best location, contact the capstone site’s point of contact and complete all application processes with your selected capstone location. You will find the complete application process on the website under your desired site. (THIS ISN’T ON THE SITE YET)

4.    Once you have communicated with the site and they have agreed to take you as a CMAS Capstone Student, download the learning agreement (THIS ISN’T ON THE SITE YET) and complete with your site CMAS Capstone Site Supervisor (this is the point of contact or another designated person at the Capstone Site). Complete the learning agreement and submit to Cheri.

  • a.    If completing the Capstone Experience in the Spring semester, the Learning Agreement must be submitted by November 1.
  • b.    If completing the Capstone Experience in the Fall semester, the Learning Agreement must be submitted by April 1.

5.    Once the Signed Learning Agreement has been submitted to Cheri, this will prompt the registration and enrollment into the CMAS 493 course. Allow at least a week for processing. If you do not see the course on your schedule within LionPath by the last day of the regular semester, contact Cheri for clarification. (Again do not register for you 493 – you will be registered when your learning agreement is received)

Can I combine my major internship with my CMAS Capstone:

If you are and HDFS or RHS major – there is an opportunity, if your internship is child maltreatment based, that you could combine them with 493 – talk to Cheri to see if you are eligible.

Are there scholarship opportunities for the CMAS Capstone:

YES! There are scholarship opportunities. For specific information on the de Lissovoy Scholarship and The Reducing Disparities in Child Welfare scholarship click here.

Students will receive any e-mail in December, announcing the upcoming scholarship cycle – if you are completing 493 during that time you are encouraged to apply.

The applications for these scholarships are then due in January or each year for the following school year (example January 2025 for Fall 2025- Spring 26).

Who do I talk to if I have questions about the CMAS Capstone:

Cheri will be presenting in CMAS classes each semester and will be sending out reminders about scholarships and the CMAS Capstone to all CMAS minors twice/semester, via email.  This is why it is so important that you declare the minor early – so you get these reminders.

Professor KTP (Kristina Taylor-Porter) will also be reminding you to submit your Capstone Application for your desired site, during your initial advising meetings.

If at any time during this process you have problems, feel free to reach out to Cheri for direction.

Key reminders: 

·      Declare the minor early – so you receive reminders regarding CMAS Capstone and Scholarships

·      Schedule your initial advising meeting

·      Complete the Capstone Semester form found on the website by the noted deadline

·      Secure your site and submit your Learning Agreement by November 1 for a Spring Enrollment and April 1 for a Fall Enrollment.

·      Communicate with the CMAS advisor with questions or concerns as they arise

Again – you should start working to confirm a CMAS 493 site the beginning of the semester prior to when you would like to take it – if you wait spots will get filled and you might not get the experience you want.

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