Course Information

Prescribed Courses (12 credits)

CMAS 258N (HDFS 258N) Introduction to Child Maltreatment and Advocacy Studies (3) Introduction to the multidisciplinary field of child maltreatment.

CMAS 465 Child Maltreatment: Prevention and Treatment (3) Advanced examination in approaches for preventing child maltreatment and treating its consequences.Prerequisite: CMAS 258N (HDFS 258N)

CMAS 466 Systems and Community Responses (3) An exploration of the multidisciplinary response to child maltreatment.Prerequisite: CMAS 258N (HDFS 258N)

CMAS 493 Child Maltreatment and Advocacy Studies: Capstone Experience (3) This course serves as the capstone experience for students enrolled in the Child Maltreatment and Advocacy minor. Prerequisite: CMAS 258N (HDFS 258N) Prerequisite or Concurrent (must have one done the other can be concurrent): CMAS 465, CMAS 466. See the "Securing a CMAS 493 Internship Location" for details on setting up your internship

Supporting Courses (6 credits)

  • BBH 146– Introduction to Health and Human Sexuality
  • BBH 301 – Values and Ethics in the Human Development Professions
  • BBH 446 – Human Sexuality as a Health Concern
  • CN ED 422 – Foundations of Addictions Counseling
  • CN ED 431 – Counseling and Teaching Youth at Risk
  • CRIM 012 – Criminology CRIM 422 – Victimization
  • CRIM 423 – Sexual and Domestic Violence
  • CRIM 441 – The Juvenile Justice System
  • ED PSY 010 – Individual Differences and Education
  • HD FS 129 – Introduction to Human Development and Family Studies
  • HD FS 229 – Infant and Child Development
  • HD FS 239 – Adolescent Development
  • HD FS 432 – Developmental Problems in Childhood and Adolescence
  • HD FS 453 – Family Participation and Involvement in Child Services
  • HD FS 455 – Development and Administration of Human Services Programs
  • NURSING 111 – Nursing roles
  • NURSING 230 – Introduction to the Fundamentals of Nursing
  • NURSING 245 – Violence and the Impact on Society
  • NURSING 409 – Intro to Forensic Nursing
  • PSYCH 212 – Introduction to Developmental Psychology
  • PSYCH 243 – Introduction to Well-being and Positive Psychology
  • PSYCH 270 – Introduction to Abnormal Psychology
  • PSYCH 410 – Child Development
  • PSYCH 412 – Adolescence
  • PSYCH 414 – Social and Personality Development
  • PSYCH 445 – Forensic Psychology
  • PSYCH 474 – Psychological Intervention in Childhood
  • PSYCH 476 – Child Psychopathology
  • PSYCH 497H – Human Development, Health, and Education from a Global Perspective
  • RHS 300 – Introduction to Rehabilitation and Human Services
  • RHS 301 – Introduction to Counseling as a Profession
  • RHS 400W – Case Management and Communication Skills
  • RHS 401 – Community Mental Health Practice and Services
  • RHS 402 – Children and Families in Rehabilitation Settings and Human Services
  • SOC 005 – Social Problems
  • SOC 430 – Family in Cross-Cultural Perspective


*Additional courses may be acceptable, but need to be approved by making a request for consideration to the the Education Coordinator.

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