Tuition Waivers for Pennsylvania Foster Youth

Child Maltreatment Solutions Network at Penn State

We are happy to announce -- Legislation establishing college tuition waivers for Pennsylvania foster youth passed  the House Education Committee on Thursday, June 27, 2019 and was signed by Governor Wolf on Friday.

The final iteration of the bill provides tuition waivers at all PA colleges and universities (public, private and state-related), community colleges, and the Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology, after all other aid has been applied. Foster youth who are eligible for federal Chafee grants are also eligible for this tuition waiver, and covers those in care after the age of 16. The waiver would apply for up to 5 years of college and cover students up to the age of 26. There are provisions that require public education efforts as well as reporting of utilization and retention rates. Tuition waivers will begin for the Fall 2020 semester.

Penn State is already ahead of the curve with the launch of the Fostering Lions Program (FLP) in Fall 2019.  The FLP is active at University Park, Abington, Greater Allegheny, Worthington Scranton, York, Hazleton, and Berks with campuses to continuously be added.  

If you have any question on the FLP, please contact Cheri McConnell at

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